Oh, the places I might go!


It’s hard to pen this final journal entry of my last month of studies at Full Sail University. I’m consumed with a bittersweet feeling of accomplishment met with great trepidation and a little discouragement.

Looking back at the first month when I mapped out my goals for the final thesis, I realize that I am no where near reaching those lofty goals. The objectives didn’t quite line up with reality. A new, streamlined and intuitive employee website has not yet been tackled, although the current antiquated system still works. I never apprenticed under Fox & Bee, and our Human Resources and Information Technology team and I still have to sit down together to develop a strategy for an intranet site.

But, so what?

Let’s consider what I have accomplished. To begin, I will reiterate the first line on my slide (above): Protect the school district brand by improving the employee experience.

Many years ago, while working at Vintage Wings of Canada (http://www.vintagewings.ca) my boss would always say, “Begin with the end in mind,” as a reminder of the mission, the vision and our purpose to those we served. The purpose was not just to restore vintage aircraft to airworthiness condition. The purpose was to celebrate aviation history through the stories of our war heroes. The hangar in which the business of refurbishing old fighter aircraft took place became a living museum of memories. Retired pilots would visit with their children and grandchildren, walk the hangar floor and reminisce. Many cried. The hangar became a safe haven for aviation veterans to pour out their hearts and their hurt with deeply hidden stories of a time in history that, today, we shall never forget. Begin with the end in mind.

I approached my studies the same way I approach my new position with Comox Valley Schools, to tell the brand story in a meaningful way to help forge relationships with constituents, build trust and garner greater support for public education than previously experienced.  Begin with the end in mind. My communications efforts centered around celebrating student success through telling the story of all the important factors that make it possible – the teachers, administrative clerks, principals, technicians, custodians and education assistants. Each play a key role in the delivery of education to students.  But who in our region truly knows what amazing work is taking place in the classrooms and the hallways and throughout the 23 learning learning facilities? I saw my role as the guardian of the school district story.

The lines between my profession as a public relations practitioner and my education as a graduate student in public relations are completely blurred. My learning journey came to work with me everyday, much the same way as my job came to the online classroom with me everyday.  They became one in the same. Graduating feels as though I am saying goodbye to part of me. Graduating also comes with a renewed sense of self worth.

My final thesis will be posted on my website, mggcommunications.ca, as an addition to my online portfolio and will serve as a reflection of my entire year’s work. I may refer to it from time to time, or draw attention to it in pursuit of a new vocation. I haven’t yet decided where to go. Do I stay in my comfort zone and continue working in a role that brings me great satisfaction but little respect, or do I go back into consulting with a whole new set of tools in my P.R. Toolbox? Maybe it’s time to teach or perhaps put it all down and pick up where I left off in my book five years ago and publish the darn thing!


Close to 30 years ago, I graduated from military college full of energy and enthusiasm, eager to take on the world. I graduate November 1st a more reserved individual with a nagging uncertainty whether my learning journey will be good enough to pursue a new pace of employer. This year, I turned 50, a very humbling stage to arrive at it life. Who hires a 50-year-old full of ideas but maybe too much experience? I remain cautiously optimistic.

At this crossroads in life, I will do what my heat tells me to do. Rest with it for a little while. and see what doors might open serendipitously in the weeks and months to come. 


“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”

― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Published by

Emme Elle Coaching

Mary is a retired veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces serving more than 24 years. Since retirement, Mary has continued as a PR practitioner in numerous industries from healthcare, education, aviation, and government to mining, bio innovation, and life sciences. She has an insatiable appetite for knowledge in the field of health and wellness and has pursued fitness as a side hustle for close to 30 years. In this field, she has been in contact with many women experiencing the same issue - perimenopause. The story is always the same, complaints about weight gain, sleeplessness, brain fog, hot flashes, mood swings, and issues with digestion. It came to her that this is an area that sadly lacks information and support, and that more resources are needed to empower women in their journey.. Motivated by her own negative encounter with the misogynistic views and lack of knowledge and empathy for women's health issues, Mary has made it her mission to debunk the misunderstanding and mistruths about women’s health. Mary haphazardly came across the Menopause Doula certification course and promptly enrolled with Doula Training Centre based in Toronto, Canada. Since completing the program Mary has continued in her learning journey with numerous other qualifications including Ayurveda Principles, Menopause 2.0 with Dr. Stacy Sims, Brain Health for Menopause with Dr. Fiona Lovely, Women’s Health Coaching Certification through Girls Gone Strong, and Yoga for Traumatic Brain Injury through the Love Your Brain Foundation. As of spring 20204, Mary became a licensed Menopause Expert Champion with the Menopause Expert Group (MEG). Mary is also the CEO of All Things Menopausal Podcast, an enducational platform that features guest experts in the field of menopause and hormone health - from the physical and mental to the emotional and spiritual.

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